Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I'm back

So it looks like it's been about 8 years since I last posted here. I wonder if this is some sort of record for greatest length between blog posts...I'm sure somewhere, that information exists.

Anyway, lots of things have happened in those 8 years...I got married, finished grad school, moved halfway across the country to start a new job, adopted a pair of adorable guinea pigs, and had a baby...standard stuff. It turned out that my triathlon habit was too hard to break so after a year of "only" running I joined the DC Tri Club and since 2013 have been on the Snapple/DC Tri Elite Team, which is an awesome group of people I have had the pleasure to get to know and train and race with. A recent website upgrade removed the internal blogging tools, so this will be my new home (again) for race reports and rambling on weather and other topics.

Some housekeeping notes...title changed to reflect my current status in life. I actually still eat Five Guys from time to time but District Taco is a superior meal. I have saved my old posts from the Snapple site, so they may make an appearance here as archives.

What's ahead in 2016 - trying to get back on track. The first winter of daycare disease vector illnesses hit me hard during my normal base building time, so things are behind schedule. Nevertheless I've got a few running races and annual Columbia triathlon appearance coming up and will end the season with the intriguing Savageman 50 (back to back sprint/Olympic races).

1 comment:

zdesmond said...

This post was worth waiting 8 years for!

Nice race today. Looking forward to the RR!